Andy Dearstyne

Andy Dearstyne

Graphic Designer & BIM Technician
Transforming lives with RLPS since 2020
Millersville University, Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design | Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, Associate Degree of Architecture with Honors

Andy is a Graphic Designer and BIM Technician and has been on the RLPS team for 4 years. She is involved in internal marketing, creating physical and digital collateral to be used by the RLPS team. Having dual degrees in both Graphic Design and Architectural Technology, Andy also assists the Architectural Design team with front-end modeling and rendering efforts.

Andy loves the Philadelphia Eagles, playing video games, finding new spots to eat in the Lancaster area and spending time with her wife, dogs and cat.

Favorite Quote

"Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it."

Salvador Dali