Dustin Julius

Dustin Julius

Transforming lives with RLPS since 2012
Pennsylvania State University | Bachelors and Masters of Architecture with Distinction

The buildings we design are not for us, but rather they form an architecture for the people we serve. Serving seniors presents unique opportunities which compel Dustin towards innovative, thoughtful design. In responding to those needs he finds himself dedicated to inventing new ways of enhancing the way we live and inhabit space.

Dustin has developed a broad acumen for digital modeling and rendering as a means of exploring a myriad of design solutions and expressing them in a highly understandable format, ultimately aiding clients in the decision-making process. Synthesizing new technologies into the planning process has created platforms for thought leadership across the design landscape of our industry.

He has conducted many focus groups and resident presentations and has shared his unique perspective and insights as a speaker at state and national conferences. Dustin is an Environments for Aging Editorial Advisory Board Member, a member of the Society for the Advancement of Gerontological Environments (SAGE) and is also an associate member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA).

When he isn’t busy designing you might find him renovating his home with his wife, exploring a new coffee shop, or cooking his famous risotto, but don’t ask him to follow a recipe!

Favorite Quote

“The best is yet to be.”

Robert Browning