Jodi Kreider

Jodi Kreider, LEED AP

Transforming lives with RLPS since 2003
Albright College | Bachelor of Arts with Honors in English/Communications

Jodi’s leadership at the firm focuses on business development and communications including websites, social media, conference presentations, content marketing, tradeshow coordination, professional services proposals, and marketing collateral. She also has served as a focus group coordinator, conducting on-site focus groups with various constituent groups, organizing the data and creating reports documenting the results.

A LEED Accredited Professional, Jodi has been a member of the firm’s Green Group focusing on sustainable design education and implementation. Her professional affiliations have included the Society of Marketing Professional Services and the United States Green Building Council.  Jodi currently serves on the Board of Directors for Samaritan Center in Lancaster and as Publicity Committee Co-Chair for the Rotary Club of Lancaster.

In her spare time, Jodi devours books and dark chocolate, but fortunately also enjoys long walks and other forms of exercise. She also volunteers at her church, the Hospice and Community Care Labor Day auction, Lititz Run Watershed Alliance annual stream clean-up, and for five years was a reading tutor for the Lancaster-Lebanon Literacy Council.

Favorite Quote

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou